Sound Barrier

来源:声屏障信息门户网 作者:声屏障信息门户网 日期:2010-1-16 13:09:33   [ 打印本文 ]

Noise barrier walls,Noise barrier,Noisewalls
In the late 1960s, acoustical science technology emerged to mathematically evaluate the efficacy of a noise barrier design adjacent to a specific roadway .By the 1990s, noise barriers that included use of transparent materials were being designed in Denmark and other western European countries. [ 1 ] Below, a researcher collects data to calibrate a roadway noise model for Foothill Expressway .
 Acoustical scientist measures sound in noise barrier design study, Santa Clara County , Calif. The best of these early computer models considered the effects of roadway geometry , topography , vehicle volumes, vehicle speeds, truck mix, roadway surface type, and micro- meteorology .Several US research groups developed variations of the computer modeling techniques: Caltrans Headquarters in Sacramento, California ; the ESL Inc. group in Palo Alto, California ; the Bolt, Beranek and Newman [ 2 ] group in Cambridge, Massachusetts , and a research team at the University of Florida .Possibly the earliest published work that scientifically designed a specific noise barrier was the study for the Foothill Expressway in Los Altos, California . Numerous case studies across the US soon addressed dozens of different existing and planned highways.Most were commissioned by state highway departments and conducted by one of the four research groups mentioned above.The US National Environmental Policy Act [ 4 ] effectively mandated the quantitative analysis of noise pollution from every Federal-Aid Highway Act Project in the country, propelling noise barrier model development and application.With passage of the Noise Control Act of 1972 , [ 5 ] demand for noise barrier design soared from a host of noise regulation spinoff.
By the late 1970s, over a dozen research groups in the US were applying similar computer modeling technology and addressing at least 200 different locations for noise barriers each year. As of 2006, this technology is considered a standard in the evaluation of noise pollution from highways.The nature and accuracy of the computer models used is nearly identical to the original 1970s versions of the technology.

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